Multiple Sclerosis Stem Cell Treatment – Full remission

The story of Amanda, from Australia, diagnosed with primary progressive Multiple Sclerosis in 2011.

After just three and a half years after being diagnosed with  this disease, Amanda had almost completely lost her short-term memory. She also experienced poor orientation in space,  decreased concentration, and her mental abilities worsened. The conventional therapy that Amanda received did not help her. MRI results showed foci of demyelination in both hemispheres of the brain. Initially, there were four, but after a relapse that developed in 2014, the number of foci was constantly increasing.

At some point, neuropathologists even stopped counting new foci. Cognitive tests confirmed that Amanda suffered the biggest losses in her short-term memory: she forgot almost everything she saw. According to the forecasts of doctors, in the near future, her long-term memory was to befall the same fate. Amanda gradually lost her identity, and did not always recognize her family and friends.

In November 2015, she came to Professor Slavin in Tel Aviv, where she underwent treatment with multipotent mesenchymal stromal cells (MSC). Today, eight years after MSC therapy, Amanda does not receive any additional treatment, remains in good physical shape, and is not suffering from cognitive impairment. She leads an active social life, participates in family celebrations, and plays sports. Amanda emphasizes with particular pride that she has run a half marathon for three consecutive years, constantly improving her results.