Cancer Immunotherapy Reviews & Success stories

Complete cure of brain cancer using immunotherapy

The story of Neta, a patient with brain cancer, 11 years from the moment of diagnosis, with the result of complete remission for many years. Brain cancer is a tumor that is considered extremely resistant to traditional cancer treatments. Fortunately, now we know of cases of prolonged remission, as well as several cases of complete cure that were achieved with the help of immunotherapy.

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10 Years Post-Pancreatic Cancer: A Survivor’s Journey

A decade ago, Yamini faced the daunting diagnosis of pancreatic cancer, a disease known for its grim prognosis. After undergoing the Whipple procedure and enduring chemotherapy, the cancer made a relentless comeback. It was a challenging time for him and his loved ones. But Yamini refused to give up.

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Immunotherapy: Aleksey’s Complete Remission from Stage IV Cancer

The first time Aleksey asked for help for his shoulder pain, back in July 2018, he thought it was a sports injury caused by his parachute acrobatics. But after Aleksey did an MRI on his own initiative, it turned out that the cause of the pain was a completely different and much more serious one. He had multiple bone metastases, and the tumor process had already spread to the retroperitoneal lymph nodes.

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Ece’s Miracle: Meeting Professor Slavin 20 Years After Beating Cancer

In 2003 she turned to Professor Slavin as a last resort. Her blood cancer had become resistant to all standard treatments, including two bone marrow transplants. Professor Slavin opted for a completely new approach, employing the method of “intentionally mismatched donor lymphocytes” (IMAK). Ece became one of the first patients in the world to receive treatment using this innovative method, which not only saved her life but also offered hope to many other cancer patients.

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The first patient in the world who was cured of blood cancer (Leukemia), by cell immunotherapy. T-killers (lymphocytes)

A 12-year-old Joy was diagnosed with Acute myeloid leukemia, experts from the Philippines tried to treat her, but without success. The diagnosis was confirmed and the chemotherapy protocols were started immediately. After several chemotherapy cycles, Joy had a remission, but unfortunately, the disease did not recede for a long time. After only 2 months of remission, Joy began an aggressive relapse.

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