1 December 2022

What is a Tumor Bank?

Банк хранения опухолевых тканей

The unique therapies used at Biotherapy International are largely based on extensive clinical and research experience. In doing so, accessing intact patient tumor samples is often a decisive advantage in developing advanced personal immunotherapies, particularly anti-cancer vaccines. The only way to gain access to samples that may be obtained during surgery or biopsy is to…

21 November 2022

Who Are the Best Candidates for Anti-cancer Immunotherapy?

Best Candidates for Anti-cancer Immunotherapy

In countries with a high standard of living, cancer as a cause of death is almost twice as common as cardiovascular disease, which used to top the list of death causes. Yet, cancer is not one single disease, but a group of different cancerous tumors resulting from certain cellular mutations in the human body that…

3 September 2022

How Much does Cancer Immunotherapy Cost?

Cancer immunotherapy cost

When it comes to saving the lives of cancer patients, discussing economics feels out of place. However, any medical procedure costs money, and cancer treatment is no exception. It is also important to note that unlike conventional treatments, the cost of experimental cancer therapies is not usually covered by national health systems or private insurance…

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