5 December 2022

What is the most effective cancer treatment?

какое лечение от рака самое эффективное

In the last decade, the choice of cancer treatments available to patients has greatly expanded. The rapid development of innovation in this field has replaced decades of stagnation when the only ways to fight this terrible disease were surgery, chemotherapy, or radiation therapy. What really matters to the patient, however, is not the number of…

21 November 2022

Who Are the Best Candidates for Anti-cancer Immunotherapy?

Best Candidates for Anti-cancer Immunotherapy

In countries with a high standard of living, cancer as a cause of death is almost twice as common as cardiovascular disease, which used to top the list of death causes. Yet, cancer is not one single disease, but a group of different cancerous tumors resulting from certain cellular mutations in the human body that…

3 November 2022

Why is Immunotherapy Recommended?

Why is Immunotherapy Recommended

Nowadays, most hospitals worldwide begin cancer treatments with a combination of surgery, chemotherapy, and radiotherapy. These treatments are generally effective for many types of cancer and are available at pretty much any high-level hospital. On the other hand, anti-cancer immunotherapy is usually harder to access and may not be covered by many national healthcare systems….

3 September 2022

Chemotherapy or Immunotherapy: Which is More Effective?

cancer immunotherapy

A person with cancer has one wish that trumps all others: to beat cancer and live a long and fulfilling life. Conventional cancer therapies such as surgery, chemotherapy and radiotherapy have proven successful in treating many types of cancer. Unfortunately, they do not always lead to a complete cure for patients, even if remission has…

8 February 2022

Natural Killer Cells: A New Anti-Cancer Tool

Natural Killer Cells

For the first time in several decades, immunotherapy has opened the gates for an entirely new family of anti-cancer treatments. Radically different from traditional chemotherapy or radiotherapy, anti-cancer immunotherapy encompasses different types of precision medicine and puts the patient’s immune system at work directly against cancer. These treatments can be designed through a handful of…

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